Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Well, hello. Thanks for dropping in to read my blog. I never thought I would blog in my life, but I think I may be able to make a pitance from advertising links and given the kind of figures that pass as budgets for recording and mixing these days I'll take whatever I can get. 

Now, here is the other reason I want to blog. There is a theory regarding recording and mixing (and probably no end of other artistic/technical pursuits) that states that greatness cannot be taught, only achieved. Or words to that effect. Now - I agree wholly with this. 100%. 

However, what can be taught, and what, judging by most of the stuff I hear recorded by home studio types/ SAE graduates (oh I went there) is not being taught is HOW NOT TO SUCK. Now, I am an Englishman (an alien, if you will) in New York and such a phrase does not come easily to me, but I can't think of a better way to put it. And it does have a ring to it. So... 

I cannot teach you how to attain audio greatness (alas, I'm not there myself) - but study my words and I can teach you to be competent. To not be god-awful. And goodness knows, you probably are awful at the moment. Admit it. It's the first step.